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The Sag Harbor Black Authors Festival depends on generous individuals like you to bolster the initiatives of our non-profit partner, Share Inform Enlighten Inc., a registered 501(c)(3) organization.


Share Inform Enlighten Inc. is dedicated to equipping families with knowledge and resources through educational initiatives aimed at enhancing their standard of living. Furthermore, Share Inform Enlighten offers Poetry Slam Scholarships to high school students pursuing higher education.


Your contribution today would greatly benefit our young readers, champion inspiring authors, advance literature and ideas, and participate in the ongoing conversation surrounding America's alarming illiteracy rates. Each donation received directly supports the endeavors of Share Inform Enlighten Inc.

The Black Authors Festival @Sag Harbor needs supporters like you! Supporters permit us to keep ensuring that young boys and girls within the Black Community are learning to read, comprehend, write, and tell their own stories. Literacy provides an opportunity for all people to acquire true freedom. This Festival is accessible to all and brings leading authors to Sag Harbor. Sag Harbor has a rich Black history that its descendants need to learn about. Please contribute to the Black Authors Festival @Sag Harbor and help support young readers, young inspiring authors, literature, ideas, and the ongoing conversation about the high rates of illiteracy in America. All donations made here will go to Share Inform Enlighten Inc. a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. 

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